You’ve seen the way in which Christmas traditions have apparently shifted into blurry territory over the years. Television commercials advertising Christmas shopping gift ideas are starting earlier and earlier each year. Many complain about how much the ‘family holiday’ has turned into a commercialized event designed to make retailers more and more money. It just never seems to end. However, this is why it is so important to put a great deal of thought into giving a Christmas gift to someone you love. Here are a few reasons why a personal gift is better than a store bought item.
1 – You Probably Had Something To Do With The Choice
You don’t just automatically find an item that is personalized exactly the way you want when you shop in a store. However, when you create something unique, that gift will have been the result of your creative skills. Even if you aren’t well versed in the creation of a custom design, you will have at least come up with the idea and had a direction you wanted to go with it.
2 – Your Gift Will Touch The Person It Is Presented To
Any time you can make something to give to someone else, you will be making a bond. The fact that you put time and effort – much more than standing in line at a checkout with a pre-made item – shows that you value that person. It will touch that person deeply knowing that you see them in such a way that not just any ordinary gift was going to be sufficient to give them.
3 – You Will Likely Save Some Money
Although home-made gifts are not usually looked upon as being a cheaper alternative to something bought in a store, there is some validity to that train of thought. While cost should not be a determining factor, the amount of money spent to create something unique and custom doesn’t really matter to the recipient. The fact that the gift is custom will carry more weight.
4 – Your Gift Contains A Little Bit Of You
It can’t be stressed enough – when you opt for something personal as opposed to a ready-made item, the homemade gift will contain some of your personality. You may not see it as it may not be obvious to you but the color choices, the decorations, the design will all be parts of your personality. This means that you are truly giving a little of yourself to the receiver.
5 – Then There’s That Special Ingredient
Probably this gets overlooked in many cases but a gift that you create for someone else, you are doing so with a very important factor. You are being motivated by love and that is the one ingredient that does not exist in any other kind of gift. When you give something from the heart, made with genuine love, you are creating something that is very special.
Let YayPrint Be Your Personalized Gift Design Shop
If you are looking for a reliable way to make many different personalized gifts, we can help. Just visit our website at https://www.yayprint.com/ or your preferred app store and download our mobile app. With it you will be able to custom design t-shirts, hats, onesies, aprons, totes and more. Imagine the possibilities.
You will be able to give something that you’ve created to many people on your gift giving list, including Christmas. After all, we’ve already discussed how commercial it has become and the importance of trying to either go back to or retain Christmas family traditions. Download the app today to get started!