Instasize has a new version, and it’s the only app you’ll ever need if you live and breathe Instagram. You might already know what Instasize is. If not, it was one of the first apps to let Instagram users upload images without sacrificing it into a 300×300 square. It wasn’t a surprise how it became popular so fast, especially to users who value landscape photography. Now, Instagram finally let its users upload without cropping, but that didn’t stop Instasize from staying relevant.
As Instagram further changed and improved, so did Instasize. The latest version, developed by Munkee Co. has a bag full of new features and improvements that work great for all kinds of social media content. It is marketed as an all-in-one content creating hub, and it lives up to its promise for a lot of reasons.
One of those reasons is its massive selection of filters. In photo editing app standards, you’re already lucky if you get more than 20 filters. The latest version of Instasize has more than 60 choices, and it’s no exaggeration when we say that this could be the best selection of high quality photo filters in the app market today.
Vintage-looking filters are always a hit for Instagram users, and we might have reached vintage filter heaven with the new Instasize. There are many presets for vintage and retro looking effects in this new version of the app, and they all look great. An accurate description of the results: the filters will make your photos look like they had different kinds of Wes Anderson movie color treatments. The effects are dramatic, but not in a way that the saturation and shadows go overboard. In fact, some of the filters are subtle and put emphasis on where it belongs. These new Instasize filters work great for themed posts, if you want all your photos to have similar tones as you gradually change the story or the mood of your feed. It’s as if Instasize has made their filters foolproof, giving off amazing professionally touched effects with a tap of the finger.
The second reason why Instasize could be the best content creating app is its impressive Text Tool. Recently, Instagram launched 5 new fonts for stories and it got a lot of users excited. If that’s already exciting for some, Instasize’s Text Tool has 40 cool looking fonts to make text-heavy users worked up. The fonts are perfect for Instagram Stories, announcements, headers, and banners, and it’s an easy tool to make your content more appealing. The app also lets users put filters and text over video uploads for fun, engaging video content. It’s safe to say that this latest version of Instasize will definitely make your Insta-Story game stronger than ever.
Another good feature is the wider selection of borders: the app has more border designs, with bold prints for those who love to put character and pizzazz to their posts. Like the Text Tool, this is perfect for brands, sellers, and companies posting promos and announcements vith their Instagram and Facebook accounts.
The new Instasize has something special for the selfie addicts, and it’s their Beauty Tool. Users can correct skin spots or blemishes and can even put on a fake tan or add a sunkissed glow for those #EndlessSummer posts. Instasize’s Beauty Tool has better effects compared to some beauty tool presets in other editing apps, simply for the fact that it doesn’t make the users look like they’re cartoon characters.
Available for download for both Android and iOS, the new Instasize has a free 7-day trial of it’s Premium features. That should be enough time for you to explore all the amazing tools that will convince you to shell out $4.99 each month for a premium account. On top of all these impressive features, Instasize will also release new filters, tools, and other feature updates each month for its premium users.