Games are an integral part of our lives. Come festivals or any occasions, celebrations are incomplete without playing card games like rummy with your family and friends. It is one of the most awaited programmes too during such gatherings. Over the years, due to the hectic pace of life or having moved to different parts of the country or the world, fun and good times seem to be absent. However, things are changing for good. With the advent of the online version of ‘desi’ games like rummy, people have starting re-living the same excitement of those days by allowing themselves to go play slots whenever they feel like it.
Despite the presence of many global games in the gaming scenario, ‘desi’ games are a hot favorite among free online rummy gamers. Wondering what could be the reasons? Have a look at these interesting factors to know more.
- Grew up playing these games
Popular games like the free rummy game are deeply embedded in our minds as we grew up to playing these games generations after generations. These games have established a connect which makes it so indispensable in our lives. Irrespective of the strata you belong or the education you’ve had, free rummy online has been a game for the common man – game for all, played by all. We’ve seen our families and friends bonding joyously over a game of rummy. We’ve grown up too playing these games with family and friends and have fond memories of the good times we’ve had.
- Localization of the games
Games like rummy are more appealing than their international counterparts as they have more local content and languages specifically to the Indian gamers. In order to reach to wider market, it is important that games are customized keeping in the mind the needs and preferences of their audiences. Online rummy free sites have successfully been able to achieve this as they provide free games suited to your needs. Especially, in certain cases, gamers can download the apps in vernacular languages too. This makes the game more reachable and popular.
- Increase in smartphones
With India surpassing the US to be the world’s second-largest market for smartphones, India is moving towards the mobile revolution. As mobile connectivity is reaching far and wide to every nook and corner of the country, people are increasingly using their smartphones for many a day to day activities. From shopping and banking transactions to booking and playing games like the online rummy game, they are doing all. An average Indian need not look for entertainment beyond the smartphones – he/ she have the power in their palms.
- Acceptance of digital entertainment
The increased adoption of mobile technology is steering the society towards accepting digital entertainment as part of their lives. Thus, in the last decade or so, there has been positive growth in the need for digital entertainment and content putting the ‘desi’ game developers to the forefront. On an average, users are spending 11 minutes per day on mobile games alone. This trend is expected to grow further in the coming days.
‘Desi’ games cannot go out of trend. Their simplicity and psychological connect developed over the years will keep both the games and the gamers bound together.